depression treatment in islam urdu

depression treatment in islam urdu
depression treatment in islam urdu
In the history of medicine, Islamic medicine, Arabic medicine, Greek, Arabic, Greek and Islamic refer to medicine developed in the Islamic Golden Age, and written in Arabic, the lingua franca of the Islamic civilization. The emergence of Islamic medicine through interactions between the original Arab traditions with external influences. [1] The translation of the texts above fundamental building block in the formation of Islamic medicine and traditions that have been passed. [1]

Latin translations of Arabic medical works great impact on the development of medicine in the Middle Ages and early Renaissance high, like Arabic texts have been translated medical works from previous crops. [2]

In the early Islamic period (661-750 AD), Muslims believe that God gave to cure all diseases. [3] on the ninth century, the Islamic Development medical community began using the system of medicine based on scientific analysis [. 3] The importance of community health sciences, and sought early medical Muslim community to find ways to care for the health of the human body. Developed in medieval Islam, hospitals, and expand the practice of surgery. Doctors and important thinkers of this time-Razi (Rasi) and Ibn Sina (Avicenna). Recorded in his knowledge of medicine in the books that influenced medical schools throughout the Islamic world and Europe, and Ibn Sina in particular (under the Latin name Avicenna) was also influential in the later doctors in Europe the Middle Ages. Throughout the Islamic world in the Middle Ages, medicine included under the umbrella of natural philosophy, due to the impact of the continuation of the Hippocratic Corpus and ideas of Aristotle and Galen. Hippocratic Corpus was a group of medical treatises attributed to the famous Greek physician Hippocrates cos (although it was actually composed of different generations of writers;). Corpus included a series of treaties, which influenced the Islamic central ages of literature.

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